What do u know about meditation?

Malaysia is blessed with many scenic places with beautiful mountains & hills with waterfalls clearly blessed by GOD for all the blessed souls that live and enjoy the trappings of this paradise. All religion in their holy scared books have mentioned how to reach GOD by seeking inward in a person.

In the bible meditation is mentioned in several parts & communication with GOD, in Islam Prophet Mohammad meditated in a cave & spoke to GOD & wrote the QURAN, in
Sikhism Guru Nanak communicated with GOD and formed the HOLY GRANTH SAHIB, the Great Buddha meditated and communicated with GOD to show the path for enlightenment for us, in Taoism meditation is taught and in Hinduism many of the saints communicated with GOD in the form of YOGA MEDITATION.

In all the the religion one thing is common for HUMANS to communicate with GOD and the word is "MEDITATION"

GOD is one and many is religion.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Symptoms of Kundalini Awakening:

Some of the physical symptoms due to kundalini awakening are many emotional and mental symptoms as well, and you are welcome to share those with us which are common, uncommon and rare, according to some.

Common Kundalini Awakening Symptoms:

  • Tingling in the body and brain region. Also sometimes described as ants walking, tickling energy or flushes of energy. The brain being flushed with energy is quite pleasant :-).
  • Heat or cold in the system, or running along various channels and chakra centers.
  • Fluttering or twitching of muscles.
  • Pinching or burning in various regions of the body or brain.

Uncommon Kundalini Awakening Symptoms:

  • Pressure in the Third Eye Region (Ajna Chakra). This is pressure, tingling or other sensation in the center of the forehead. Can go on for years.
  • Caution: If the pressure, due to certain practices, intensifies to uncomfortable levels you feel are "immense", you should stop the practice and consult a competent kundalini yoga teacher.
  • Sudden bursts of energy anywhere in the body. These are almost always short lived, from a few seconds to a few minutes.
  • Spontaneous yoga asans or kundalini yoga movements. They may come on spontaneously, or they may take over, as if on auto-pilot when one is practicing.
  • Kundalini Shakti rising up and elongating the spine.
  • Incredible feeling of love and desires.
  • Usually comes upon you spontaneously, deep in the night. Sex feels like it’s the first such experience and the intense feelings of attraction emanate from somewhere beyond yourself.
  • Unfortunately, pain in the lower back, back of the neck and headaches.

Rare Kundalini Awakening Symptoms:

  • Experience of divine light within. Very intense light, usually pure white and incredibly beautiful. The Radiation of the GOD or DIVINE ENERGY.
  • Tremendous vibratory energy (sometimes feels like it’s coming from the inner ears). Very blissful, but can intensify to the point where it would completely overwhelm your consciousness if you let it.
  • Spontaneous bliss, intensely pleasurable.
  • This one is a bit scary. Complete paralysis of the body. Complete immobility and rigidity takes place. As with the all consuming vibratory energy, it requires some courage to allow.
  • This one is exceedingly rare. I have experienced it only once in my life. The arms and legs churn like that of a baby. It happens naturally and cannot be simulated. It is also intensely pleasurable and quite a remarkable experience.


Chakra Meditation

The Chakra Meditation - Bhuta Shuddhi practice can be practiced alone or as a part of a complete meditation practice. Here is one way to do this, which can be adapted to match personal inclinations. This example is a 60-minute practice.

1. 15 minutes of Hatha: Practice some hatha Yoga postures (asanas) or simple stretches, along with some breathing practices (pranayama). Obviously the times can be much longer, or might even be less. You might want to also experiment with doing some more vigorous physical exercise before doing the postures and breathing, such as walking, jogging, swimming, bicycling, or working out with some exercise routine.

2. 30 minutes of Chakra Meditation: If you move upwards through the seven chakras, allowing 3-4 minutes for each chakra, and then downwards through the seven chakras, allowing about 30 seconds each (to bring you back to being grounded), the total Bhuta Shuddhi practice itself will be about 30 minutes.

3. 15 minutes of Meditation: Then do your regular meditation practice, whatever that may be, such as bringing your attention deeply into the space between the breasts (anahata chakra) or the space between the eyebrows (ajna chakra), with or without mantra or your regular object of meditation.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010



"You feel hungry and you eat bread and rice as food to fill your stomach. The soul feels hungry and the food for it is "MUSIC" each soul has a certain music that makes it feel wonderful & happy".


Meditation is easy

The miraculous yogic techniques of 'Deep Breathing', 'Deep Relaxation' and 'Deep Contraction' which are invaluable aids in mediation and make the process of meditation extremely easy even in the most difficult and demanding situations.

Meditation can be done any where, any place in any situation. You can do it lying down and fall asleep, yet you are still in meditation and when you wake up you will feel great and the best part no more STRESS.