What do u know about meditation?

Malaysia is blessed with many scenic places with beautiful mountains & hills with waterfalls clearly blessed by GOD for all the blessed souls that live and enjoy the trappings of this paradise. All religion in their holy scared books have mentioned how to reach GOD by seeking inward in a person.

In the bible meditation is mentioned in several parts & communication with GOD, in Islam Prophet Mohammad meditated in a cave & spoke to GOD & wrote the QURAN, in
Sikhism Guru Nanak communicated with GOD and formed the HOLY GRANTH SAHIB, the Great Buddha meditated and communicated with GOD to show the path for enlightenment for us, in Taoism meditation is taught and in Hinduism many of the saints communicated with GOD in the form of YOGA MEDITATION.

In all the the religion one thing is common for HUMANS to communicate with GOD and the word is "MEDITATION"

GOD is one and many is religion.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Charas Cave or Gua Charas



Charas caves lay about 25 kilometers northwest of Kuantan at Panching on the Sungai Lembing road.

Formed millions of years ago and carved out by the forces of nature these caves offer an interesting sojourn. This limestone caves just out from the surrounding lowlands. You have to pay a RM2.00 for car park and an entrance fee of RM2.00 for adult and RM 1.00 for children.

And a 20 foot climbing the metal stairs is worthwhile your effort when you are inside the cave.

At the entrance inside the cave on the left on top you will find a Snake Goddess on top and inside you will a Buddha sitting with elephant and the monkey god paying homage.

Following are other statue of Deities

The Sleeping Buddha very beautiful and majestic. Surprisingly the third picture has a an aura around the monk. Can’t explain how it got there !!! If you look at the same other pictures there is no aura.


There is a priest to offer prayers on your behalf, the Lord Lingam is huge and beautiful

there is a water dripping from the calamities a feeling of peace transcendence, its a beautiful feeling.

Goddess Parvathy the consort of Lord Shiva

Upon request agni homa are done with special prayers.

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